Higher Education
The American Educational Cultural Alliiance Distance learning education does not imply painful memorization techniques. Instead, it teaches students to think critically thus increasing their intellectual capacity. Distance education leads the student to a private and personal learning experience. What is assessed is the student's thinking process and not the memorization of data. BIU's innovative methodology makes home studying achievable, time-effective and highly productive.
American Educational Cultural Alliiance distance learning higher education emphasizes quality and not quantity. It draws its concept from real-life experiences and content-specific material, avoiding superfluous details. Thus, students efficiently achieve full command and real-life skills in different areas as well as practical application of the acquired know-how.
Distance Learning Higher Education, sometimes known as Adult Home Study or Online Education, is the process whereby the Distance Learning Training of a student occurs in circumstances where the educator and the student are geographically separated, and the communication across this distance is accomplished by one or more forms of technology. Distance Learning Schools are not a new concept - Distance Education Universities and degree programs were initially offered through print-based correspondence courses, then through telecourses and videotapes, and now through computer-based instruction (although print and video are still used in Home Study).
Critics of Adult Distance Education or Home Study, however, question whether there are genuine cost savings, after taking into account the investment in infrastructure, the work involved in adapting or creating a course for delivery through computer-based instruction, and the need to provide Distance Learning Recognition to students with basic university functions, such as registration, advising, and access to library materials. They also question the quality of the online educational experience, the issue of Adult Higher Education Recognition and point to the increasing publicity about online Distance Learning Universities called "diploma mills", fraudulent institutions that offer worthless Distance Learning Higher Education degrees, many requiring little or no coursework, in exchange for money.
Distance Learning Higher Education supporters claim that Distance Learning Education is more convenient and accessible for nontraditional students according to an increasingly large percentage of the Online Learning Universities.
Adult Distance Education allow students to pursue an education in addition to fulfilling their commitments to jobs and families. Home Study also provides accessibility for those not located near a traditional college or university. Supporters also point to cost savings - with virtual courses, educational institutions can accommodate greater numbers of students without incurring the costs of new buildings and classrooms.